
School News

Shanghai Interpreter Certification Test Had Landed In Xi’an in Our University
Created Time:2011-04-08     Hit:

On 7th, April, the ceremony of contract of Shanghai Interpreter Certification Test was held in the Chang’an campus, on which the associate president Li Hao, the leaders and experts concerned all presented. Our Dean Cui Yaping hosted the ceremony.

The training and the tests of Shanghai Interpreter Certification is a continued education program which was developed by the PCEC ,and was set as a training project of urgently needed talents in 1994. For its high quality standard and watertight organization, this test has been the one of the programs of biggest scale, it had won a lot of important scientific research awards and the awards in the texts of the government.

It is said that the test site in Northwest University is the first one of Shanghai Interpreter Certification. The set of this test site would make it convenient for the students in Xi’an, even in northwest part to attend the test. This means much to the cultivation of the talents of foreign language in this region.

All the members of our department, both students and teachers, along with the students and teachers representatives from some colleges and universities attended the ceremony. After the ceremony, professor Mei Deming, the director of training for abroad studying center of  Shanghai International Studies University, the doctoral supervisor, the vice president of China English Language Education Association, the committee member of the Ministry of Education Curriculum Materials Expert Committee, made a special report.