
School News

SFL held a meeting on the annual report work for the year 2022
Created Time:2023-02-23     Hit:

On February 22, 2023, at 3:30 p.m., a meeting on the annual report of our school was held in the school’s conference room. The meeting was chaired by Dean Cao Ruonan and attended by Vice Deans Li Mi and Su Rui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Liu Jianbo, Chairman of the Labor Union Yuan Xiling, the dean’s assistant, and secretaries responsible for various functions.

The main agenda of this meeting was the preparation of the school’s annual report for the year 2022. As the school’s first annual report, this work carries significant importance, and the school attaches great importance to it. During the meeting, Vice Dean Li Mi, Deputy Secretary Liu Jianbo, the dean’s assistant, and secretaries responsible for various functions briefly reported on the progress of their respective sections of the annual report and highlighted the difficulties and issues encountered during the data collection and writing process. Dean Cao Ruonan, along with the attending teachers, collectively discussed and proposed effective solutions to address the relevant issues. Finally, Dean Cao Ruonan expressed gratitude to all participating teachers for their work and dedication, and emphasized the importance of thorough communication and mutual coordination to ensure the smooth completion of the annual report.