
School News

The 1st Air Volleyball Match of SFL successfully held
Created Time:2023-10-07     Hit:

To invigorate the cultural and sports atmosphere among our faculty and staff, and effectively enhance their cultural and sports qualities while fostering a collective sense of honor, in mid-September, our school held the inaugural Faculty and Staff Air Volleyball Competition at the school's basement air volleyball court.

The competition featured team registrations by department, with a total of six teams comprising over 30 faculty members participating. On the afternoon of September 13, the players of each team had a pre-match warm-up training, and then the four teams of Department 1,2 and 3 of College English Teaching and Research and the team of School Administration and Video Education Centre conducted two preliminary rounds, Department 1 and the team of School Administration and Video Education Centre qualified. On the afternoon of September 20, the English Department and the Japanese Department held the preliminary competition, and the English Department advanced. Subsequently, the three qualified teams played in the final. In the end, the team of the School Administration and the Video Education Centre won the championship, the team of English Department secured the runner-up position, and the team of Department 1 of College English Teaching and Research claimed third place.

The rewards for this air volleyball competition focused primarily on fostering a sense of collective honor, supplemented by incentives in the form of participation memorabilia. On the afternoon of September 27th, at the meeting, the school leadership presented honorary medals to the three winning teams.