
School News

Essex University in UK visited our school to promote “3+1” direct master's degree program
Created Time:2023-11-24     Hit:

 On November 22, 2023, a delegation from the University of Essex in the United Kingdom visited our school and held a launch ceremony for the 3+1 direct master's program collaboration between our school and the University of Essex in the Second Classroom. This program, following the introduction of the 1+1+1 master's program between our school and the University of Essex, is an innovative cooperative initiative. According to the agreement, our students have the opportunity to further graduate learning in fields such as English education, linguistics, and translation at the University of Essex in the fourth year after completing three years of learning and achieving  a score of more than 70%, provided they meet the language requirements.

Dean Cao Ruonan expressed that this collaborative project is a significant step in nurturing talents with international competitiveness. It offers our students rare opportunities for international learning and further education, as well as broader prospects for their future development. Our school will actively promote exchanges and cooperation with the University of Essex, providing students with more platforms for practical experience and development. Students will have the chance to access world-class educational resources and teaching models, broaden their international perspectives, and enhance their overall qualities.